Monday, January 20, 2014

long weekend summary board

To Did List: 
  1. Worked on possible logos/ brand names that i'd consider using
  2. Bought some cotton rope twine, messed around with knots, created a semi-finished plant hanger (I'll have in class for a better look).
  3. Researched Air Plants and found a good vender, took notes on care methods to be incorporated in future tag or package design.
  4. My first batch of natural dyestuffs have arrived! (Sandalwood, Madder, Indigo, and Alkanet) Looking forward to getting started. 
  5. Thought ahead about plant hangers being available in my custom colors, but also wool for my rugs and experimental textile patterns. I'm excited to have several swatches of each fiber for the process show. 
  6. Looking for a good dyeable cord material for hangers, I think recycled jersey is the best idea I can come up with so far. There are several venders that sell balls of cut up t-shirts to make a seamless yarn. I could also buy a bolt of white jersey, dye it in yards, then sheer it into strips to make my own cord.

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